Wednesday, 14 April 2010

The latest

So things have been hard recently, Bi polar wise and spiritually.

Im coming out the other side of a hard battle with mental health (specifically Bi Polar).
Many people believe that its in the depressive episodes that you are most likely to endanger yourself, but in m experience that is not true. its my manic phases that cause more detuction. I go hystrical.... Although recetly it did lead to a bleach drinking incident lol.
Thats what most people dont understand, its logical to think that way. I was thirsty, i couldnt find water, and bleach is a liquid, which made sense, and still kind of does. Alot of things happened around that time, which led to a certain someone threatening to section me. He told me that he has had people sectioned at work for less than what had happened with me.

Since the, me and god have kind of been . . . . . . . distant.
Ive been hiding away from all of my friends really, not wanting to communicate with them. I can barel pray anymore, and i dont know how to break it. how do i re onnect with God and why the hell did i stop in the first place....

To be continued.........