Monday, 15 November 2010

This is something i wrote a long long time ago (approx 10 weeks ago) and have never been brave enough to share..............

will i always be ill?
will i ever be able to work full time?
can i face having mentally ill children?
will i ever learn to cope?
do i understand my illness?
do i understand the impact on everyone elses lives?

Can a brain be re-programmed to think a "normal" way again??

I wan to try and i do work hard to be a fully functional member of society. To hold down a job, a house, a relationship, friendships, faith. I dont understand why things get so hard, why i find every little thing so bloody difficult. I want to reward myself everyday for just getting out of bed, because that in itself is amazing and requires alot!
I feel like a dissapointment, like i dont really deserve everything i have, and i probably dont. but i want to.
When my head starts going funny, it hurts my body too. Its an odd feeling of complete exaughstion, nausea, muscle ache and cramp yet thats always distracted by whats going on in my nutty head.
What is normal? i just dont get it, can i ever even dream of feeling that way?I havent had a good day (or a day that i didnt feel bad) in 4 weeks! Ive been on the edge twice and managed to pull myself back and i just keep pushing and pushing and pushing and i dont know how much i have left. The last 4 weeks have shattered my whole defences and all my armour is gone. Im running on just me and no reserve so im a wreck. I cry everyday, i get angry and frustrated and annoyed!
My delusions are driving me mad! Even in my dreams now too. i just dont get time away from this illness, not one part of my body or my life that it doesnt engulf and devour.
I found a good comparison for why i self harm. I feel like im a boiling pan of water, i just need to take the lid off and let the steam out.

i think i wrote this around the 1st of september


  1. I was very depressed with my life at one time too. I felt that I did nothing special to honor GOD, I felt like I was spiraling down the drain to despair…

    So I wrote this poem… Called


    Spiraling down into haze & woe
    These are places that no one should go.

    For depression is just another weapon for the enemy to use
    To hold you down (depress you) they want you to lose.

    And what you lose can be very dear
    From loved ones to self worth & simple pleasures
    Replaced with sadness & fear.

    But worse of all, where they set their sights
    You get so confused you may ignore GOD
    And all that’s right.

    Do you think that our HEAVENLY FATHER
    Would want us held down or depressed?

    For we are HIS children, for us, HE wants what is best.

    We were set on this earth with a purpose & plan in mind

    Given talents & gifts
    GOD left NO-ONE BEHIND!!!

    And if the enemy is working so hard on you
    Then your talents & gifts are very special & true…

    Now when you think of depression please put this picture in your mind
    Of children depressing the snow & leaving Angels behind…

    Pastor Lliam Copyright © 2009
    There is a great place to post your words and poems called faithwriters...

    Your thoughts may help others in despair...

    Be Blessed And get some vitamins to help reduce stress and read The GOoD Book every night, and pray, ask and it shall be given, seek and YOU will FIND, Knock and it shall be open, these are not just words but the truth from Jesus to YOU...

  2. Thanks so much for that man, Its realy inspirational, and such a beautiful expression of something so personal. Ill check out the website and post as much as i can. Since i wrote this ive been hospitalised and put through it. but i just updated my blog with how i am now. Much Much Much better place. God bless i hope your well x
