Monday, 10 August 2009

Where to go from here

So there are loads of stories that i could post, lots of tales that run through the story of my life, but i think ill just let them come out whenever they see fit.

the question i am asking now though is where to go from here?? Ive been thinking about loads of things recently like do i do enough for god, is there more i can do, and wwe can always do more, but in real terms can i commit to anything else?

I started a new job a fortnight ago, its just for sainsburys on produce but i love it already, the department is great the team are great etc...etc... but when asked on friday what the best part of my new job is i said that it was having 275 people working there who i now have the oppertunity to introduce to Jesus!! i mean its amazing that we know him as christians like mind blowing! but how amazing is it that we can spread the word? that we can be the hands and feet of jesus christ that we can plant those seeds that can lead to salvation?? 275 is a big umber but i already have one person asking me lots of questions about god, and that might not sound liek alot but one person is always a very good start.

This girl is my age (21) and she would rather spend 15 hours a day in the shop, and only get paid for 9 , than be at home because things are that bad. she is massivly insecure and she somewhat reminds me of what i used to be like. I guess thats why i want to help her?

But i have a huge problem, i want to help all these people but i dont want to get close to them but im still really guarded, i want to help them but not get too close. Please help, suggestions on a postcard to.. The batty woman down the street, pack it in close, u div city

God is really blessing me right now. i have oppertunities to spread his word everywhere! in all aspects of my life im just talking about jesus, even at the bus swtop the other day. i got talking to a roman catholic woman (who was a bt batty but oh welll) and we got talking baout god and i told her i went to tcf and she was excited about that, and she said she had heard about all the great community stuff we have been doing. its amazing to know that the hard work is infltrating all sectoins of the community!

gotta run brb x

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